Wednesday 23 March 2011

Diversity Moving Forward

Diversity is an issue that will not be going away and as we've shown it encompasses a large number of issues.  This alone can be enough to overwhelm even the most stalwart educator.  However, there are ways to turn this diversity into something good for our students.  Anti-bias education can help us remove the barriers and obstacles while teaching students awareness and tolerance can help students become global citizens.

Our hope is to educate our students to be aware that our society contains many "isms" that hurt and harm people.  We don't want to scare them but empower them to search for change.  I would hope that by creating educated tolerant global citizens that our society can be changed so that we won't have to discuss the way diversity hurts students.  Then we could focus on the positives that having a classroom filled with diverse students creates a classroom filled with ideas, beauty and a wealth of knowledge to draw from.

Just like this blog is a place for us to share our ideas with one another, collect our individual experiences and research together our classrooms can be places for students from diverse families to share their ideas, experiences and beliefs.


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