Monday 21 March 2011

Tucking Daughter's to Bed and Diversity

Have children, then you will understand diversity!  Not fully, but certainly a foundational understanding. I am not stating a person or persons cannot understand what diversity is without bearing and raising a child or children. Children are just one avenue to better see diversity. Case in point; I am tucking my oldest daughter, the “informant”, into bed after putting her sister to bed. The informant, love her to bits, is sharing and I (daddy) zone out. Typical, but really typical would have been to fall asleep instead I begin to think about diversity. Both girls need attention and love from me yet both go about getting my attention in such different ways. I narrow my thoughts to how an individual views diversity on various levels. My oldest two daughters could be seen as “snow whites” and I am thinking diversity is color. True diversity can be viewed from a physical level but let us not be so naïve to stop our understanding on such a level, diversity is so much more. Thank you to my beautiful daughters . . . Before I leave the bed I ask my little informant if she can tell me the same story tomorrow night.

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